Relaxation is as simple as gentle Breathing
First of all I like to say I am not any therapist or psychologist.Just sharing the relaxation Technique which I found out from google search!!
Of course it is true that modern life is really stressful, deadline and target, commuting and pollution,work and relationship.Every one try to cope as much as they can but sometimes people are so wound up and lost concentration and capability.Strange to say, but yes everyone start saying "I need a break!"
But imagine going to island where there is no stress,deadline, pressure. How long would you be happy? After a while surly you will get bored and start looking for another one. We need to find a way where we can relax in our daily life cycle. Here is a list of relaxation Techniques for every one. Different technique suit for different person.
The basic well known technique which everyone can do it anywhere and extremely effective and useful for calming mind and body. To start with, you can either sit or lay down in silent and concentrate your inhale and exhale.Try not to think anything.Spend sometime like this. You will feel relaxed after a while of doing this.
2.Deep Breathing,
Another easy way of breathing.First make yourself comfortable .You can do it anywhere but it is better when your mind is calm and your body is relax.You can either be seated or lying.Once you take the position take a deep breath.Focus you attention and close your eyes begin to empty your mind.
2.1. Inhale.
Inhale Placing your hands on your stomach, slowly inhale through nose filling the abdomen as you feel your hand rise when the air enter, continue filling the lower lungs and finally the upper chest around the heart.
2.2. Exhale
Slowly exhale the air out through the mouth going introverts order first emptying the chest then the lower lungs and finally the stomach allowing the belly button until most of the air is out. As you repeat this step you may start to notice a pause that begin to happen at the end of inhale and at the end of exhale. Going into reverse order inhale and exhale.As you repeat this step you may start to notice a pause that begin to happen at the end of inhale and at the end of exhale. To be continue ............................!!!
Of course it is true that modern life is really stressful, deadline and target, commuting and pollution,work and relationship.Every one try to cope as much as they can but sometimes people are so wound up and lost concentration and capability.Strange to say, but yes everyone start saying "I need a break!"
But imagine going to island where there is no stress,deadline, pressure. How long would you be happy? After a while surly you will get bored and start looking for another one. We need to find a way where we can relax in our daily life cycle. Here is a list of relaxation Techniques for every one. Different technique suit for different person.
The basic well known technique which everyone can do it anywhere and extremely effective and useful for calming mind and body. To start with, you can either sit or lay down in silent and concentrate your inhale and exhale.Try not to think anything.Spend sometime like this. You will feel relaxed after a while of doing this.
2.Deep Breathing,
Another easy way of breathing.First make yourself comfortable .You can do it anywhere but it is better when your mind is calm and your body is relax.You can either be seated or lying.Once you take the position take a deep breath.Focus you attention and close your eyes begin to empty your mind.
2.1. Inhale.
Inhale Placing your hands on your stomach, slowly inhale through nose filling the abdomen as you feel your hand rise when the air enter, continue filling the lower lungs and finally the upper chest around the heart.
2.2. Exhale
Slowly exhale the air out through the mouth going introverts order first emptying the chest then the lower lungs and finally the stomach allowing the belly button until most of the air is out. As you repeat this step you may start to notice a pause that begin to happen at the end of inhale and at the end of exhale. Going into reverse order inhale and exhale.As you repeat this step you may start to notice a pause that begin to happen at the end of inhale and at the end of exhale. To be continue ............................!!!